We’re inviting everyone to take part of our new project which just went live!
What is this project you ask? It’s no less than a MMO(RPG)!
Our idea is that we wanted to make a MMO, but that’s a HUGE task. So we decided that we could create a game where YOU can participate in the creation. Unfortunately you cannot participate in the direct coding, but there are other ways! You can come up with ideas of what you would think is fun in a game, and we can do our best to implement it! You can write quests, name NPCs, name monsters, name items, and if you’re into 2D / 3D you could get your gfx in the game as well!

At the moment the server is up and running, but very little content has been added. What you can expect is content growing every day, and a lot of patches to the game, since you will have access to the developer version.
How can you join? Easy! go to our Patreon page her: QuestsMMO Patreon
or if you want a one time buy (with less contribution options) you can go to