Tower Defense Game

Tower Defense Game

I’ve taken a break on the Fantasy Platform game to start a new game I had an idea for. After seeing a tower defense tutorial, I though that I’d have to try to make one, but with a twist ofcourse.

The twist is the FPS element. The plan is to make the turrets attack the big monsters, and you have to kill the smaller ones (Which has not been implemented yet).

Watch the movie under to see current build progress. (Video does not contain sounds).
Fantasy game update

Fantasy game update


Today I’ve added some small things to the game, like the Goblin model. I’ve allso tested out some other object models, like the treasure chests.

You can see some of the chests in the video, but I’ve not implemented any game mechanics to them yet.

Most of todays coding has been towards the camera; should it be fixed camera or free look… or maybe both….

During the weekend I hope to have some objects to interact with, so stay tuned for more updates. 🙂

Xionworld’s first game release!

Xionworld’s first game release!

I have finally released my first game!

It’s one of these endless games, where the goal is to get as far down as possible and score as much as possible on the way down. 
The game is called Fatsy’s Hamburger Hunt.

Fatsy’s Hamburger Hunt

Click on the image above to try it out and see if you can beat my score! Or click here.

Rattlesnakes in wormholes

Rattlesnakes in wormholes

If you want to have a safe  journey (ha ha, never) in wormholes, I would really recommend to use Rattlesnakes. (Will update this post with fits for it later).

People that are lucky and have friends, could use 2 x Tinkerer (Fit will be added to this post), and you will be cap stable repairing your shield while watching your Gecko do the dirty work for you.

(more info here.. bal bla)


For the unlucky ones with no friends (or no multibox), you could use this build, which has much more DPS, but a tad more dangerous, since you’re allone and not cap stable:



Welcome to the photography section!

Welcome to the photography section!

Hi all, and welcome to the photography section of Xionworld!

I would like you all to post your own pictures in this section, and maybe tell us something about the picture.
Do not post photos you didn’t take yourself of course. 🙂

The article image above was taken at Solastranden in Stavanger, easter 2018. Solastranden is really a great place to take some nice pictures. I have taken several photos I like on that beach.